Jeremy R. Smithson

Sr. Partnerships Manager

On a personal mission to empower and inspire individuals to achieve their full potential.


Over the past 20 years Jeremy has been on a mission to empower others to grow, develop, and become their best selves. Serving in Higher Education and EdTech, he developed a passion for academics and ensuring students receive the best education possible. As an Associate Dean and Adjuct Faculty member, he learned first hand the struggles students and teachers face both academically and mentally. His mission is at the heart of motivating others to greatness. Jeremy has a robust understanding of the EdTech industry, and he is always looking for ways to improve the student experience and sustained success of institutions. Sometimes it takes thinking outside the box to make the biggest difference.

There were many extremely influential teachers and leaders who have helped him shape who he is today. Jeremy became a Life Coach for the sole purpose to help young men transition from adolescence to adulthood. Helping young men improve focus, clarity, goals, and future aspirations is an exciting focus for Jeremy because of his personal mental health adventure. Application of growth mindset and other techniques has allows for a consistent optimistic perspective and living in a truly joyful manner. He is excited to continue this impact with Clayful.